出自唐代诗人孟浩然宿建德江 Mooring on the River at Jiande yí zhōu bó yān zhǔ 栘舟泊烟渚,My boat is ored near an isle in st grey; rì kè chóu xīn 日暮客愁
出自唐代诗人王翰凉州词 Starting for the Front pú táo i jiǔ yè guāng bēi葡萄美酒夜光杯,With at night; yù yǐn pí pá
出自唐代诗人王昌龄从军行 Ar Life qīng hǎi zhǎng yún àn xuě shān青海长云暗雪山,Clouds on the frontier have darkened untains clad in the snow; gū chéng yáo wàn
出自唐代诗人王昌龄出塞 On the Frontier qín shí ng yuè hàn shí guān 秦时明月汉时关,The on still shines on untain passes as of yore. wàn lǐ zhǎng zhēng rén
唐代诗人王维使至塞上 On Mission to the Frontier dān chē yù wèn biān单车欲问边,A single carriage goes to the frontier; shǔ guó guò jū yán属国过居延。As envoy, I
出自唐代诗人王维九月九日忆山东兄弟Thinking of My Brothers on Mountain-Cliing Day dú zài yì xiāng wéi yì kè独在异乡为异客,Alone, a lonely stranger in a f
出自唐代诗人王维竹里馆 The Baoo Hut dú zuò yōu huáng lǐ独坐幽篁里,Sitting ang baoos alone, dàn qín fù zhǎng xiào弹琴复长啸。
出自唐代诗人王湾次北固山下 Passing by the Northern Mountains kè lù qīng shān wài客路青山外, My boat goes by green untains high, háng zhōu lǜ shuǐ qián行舟绿
出自唐代诗人刘长卿逢雪宿芙蓉山主人 Seeking Shelter in Lotus Hill on a Snowy Night rì cāng shān yuǎn 日暮苍山远,At sunset side village still see far, tiān hán
出自唐代诗人贾岛寻隐者不遇 For an Absent Recluse sōng xià wèn tóng zǐ松下问童子,I ask your lad beneath a pine, yán shī cǎi yào qù言师采药去。" My
出自唐代诗人张继枫桥夜泊 Mooring by Maple Bridge at Night yuè luò wū tí shuāng n tiān月落乌啼霜满天,At onset cry the crows, streaking the frosty sky; jiāng fēn
出自唐代诗人韩翃寒食 Cold Food Day chūn chéng n but flowers fall fr trees; hán shí dōng fē
出自唐代诗人韦应物滁州西涧 On the West Streaof Chuzhou dú lián yōu cǎo jiàn biān shēng独怜幽草涧边生,Alone I like the riverside where green grass grows, shàng yǒ
出自唐代诗人孟郊游子吟 Song of the Parting cí shǒu zhōng xiàn慈母手中线,The thread in thers hand yóu zǐ shēn shàng yī游子身上衣。A gown for parting son,
出自唐代诗人卢纶塞下曲 A Border Song lín àn cǎo jīng fēng林暗草惊风,In gloy l; jiāng jun1 yè yǐn gōng将军夜引弓。The genera
出自唐代诗人刘禹锡酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠Reply to Bai Juyi Wh I Meet for the First Ti at a Banquet in Yangzhou bā shān chǔ shuǐ qī liáng dì巴山楚水凄凉地,
出自唐代诗人刘禹锡秋词 Song of Autu bái gǔ féng qiū bēi jì liáo白古逢秋悲寂寥,Sinn sad and drear, wǒ yán qiū yuē shèng chūn chá
出自唐代诗人刘禹锡浓淘沙 Ripples Sifting Sand jiǔ qǔ huáng hé Rivers paved with sand làng táo fēng bò zì
出自唐代诗人刘禹锡望洞庭 Lake Dongting Viewed fr Afar hú guāng qiū yuè liǎng xiàng hé湖光秋月两相和,The autu on dissolves in soft light of the lake, tán àn wú fē
出自唐代诗人刘禹锡乌衣巷 The Street of Mansions zhū què qiáo biān yě cǎo huā朱雀桥边野草花,Beside the Bridge of Birds rank gra
出自唐代诗人刘禹锡《竹枝词 Baoo Branch Song》 yáng liǔ qīng qīng jiāng shuǐ píng杨柳青青江水平,Bets green the river flows along; wén láng jiāng shàng
出自唐代诗人李绅悯农 The Peasantschūn zhǒngyī lì sù春种—粒粟,Each seed thats sown in spring qiū shōu wàn kē zǐ秋收
出自唐代诗人杜牧泊秦淮 Moored on River Qinhuai yān lóng hán shuǐ yuè lóng shā烟笼寒水月笼沙,Cold river with sand bars veiled in sty onlight, yè bó qín huái jì
出自唐代诗人杜牧秋夕 yín zhú qiū guāng lěng huà píng银烛秋光冷画屏,Autu has chilled the painted screen in candlelight; qīng luó xiǎo shàn pū liú yíng轻罗小扇
出自唐代诗人杜牧清明 The Mourning Day qīng ng shí jiē yǔ fēn fēn清明时节雨纷纷,A drizzling rain falls like tears on the urning