张可久山坡羊·闺思 Tune: Sheep on the Slope - A Wife Bored yún sōng luó jì云 松 螺 髻,Her chignon lose as cloud, xiāng wēn yuān bèi香 温 鸳 被,Her lovebirds quilt
徐再思折桂令·春情 Tune: Song of Moon Palace - Lovesickness píng shēng bú huì xiàng sī平 生 不 会 相 思,In early life I knew not what lovesickness is. cái huì xiàng
徐再思蟾宫曲·江淹寺 Tune: Song of Moon Palace - Tele of a Literary Genius zǐ shuāng háo shì shì fēi fēi紫 霜 毫 是 是 非 非,You wrote with brilliant pen on ups and
杨朝英水仙子·西湖探梅 Tune: Song of Daffodils - Mu Blosss at West Lake xuě qíng tiān dì yī bīng hú 雪 晴 天 地 一 冰 壶,The sky and earth look like icy pot after
宋方壶山坡羊·道情 Tune: Sheep on the Slope - A Carefree Drea qīng shān xiàng dài青 山 相 待,Blue hills greet and love bái yún xiàng ài白 云 相 爱,With white cl
吴西逸寿阳曲 · 四时 Tune: Song of Long-Lived Sun yíng xīn shì萦 心 事,Grief heavy on heart rě hèn cí惹 恨 词,Cant be written in word. gèng nà kān dòng rén qiū
吴西逸清江引·秋居Tune: Song of the Clear River - An Autu Night bái yàn luàn fēi qiū sì xuě白 雁 乱 飞 秋 似 雪,White wild geese fly pell-ll like autu snow; qīn
吴西逸天净沙 - 闲题 Tune: Sunny Sand - Written at Leisure zhǎng jiāng wàn lǐ guī fān长 江 万 里 归 帆,On thousand-le-long River pass east-going sails. xī fēng jǐ dù
郑光祖蟾宫曲 Tune: Song of Moon Palace bì qiú chén tǔ yā zhēng ān弊 裘 尘 土 压 征 鞍,My saddle laden with dust and outworn sable at, biān juàn niǎo lú huā鞭 倦 袅
白贲鹦鹉曲 Tune: Song of Parrot nóng jiā yīng wǔ zhōu biān zhù侬 家 鹦 鹉 洲 边 住,Living at Parrot Islet as I can, shì gè bú shí zì yú fù是 个 不 识 字 渔 父。
张养浩山坡羊·潼关怀古 Tune: Sheep on the Slope fēng luán rú jù峰 峦 如 聚,Peaks like brows knit, bō tāo rú nù波 涛 如 怒,Angry waves spit. shān hé biǎo lǐ tó
张养浩朝天子Tune: Skyward Song liǔ dī柳 堤,Willowy shores, zhú xī竹 溪,Baoo-lined strea rì yǐng shāi jīn cuì日 影 筛 金 翠。The sun sieves green and golden shades
张养浩水仙子 Tune: Song of Daffodils zhōng nián cái guò biàn xiū guān中 年 才 过 便 休 官,I aretired when Ive just passed d-age; hé gòng shén xiān yī yàng kàn合
项羽垓下歌 Xiang Yus Last Song lì bá shān xī qì gài shì 力 拔 山 兮 气 盖 世。I uld pull untains down, oh! With in and ght, shí bú lì xī zhuī bú shì 时 不
虞姬和项王歌 Reply to Xiang Yu hàn bīng yǐ luè dì 汉 兵 已 略 地,The foes have overrun our land; sì fāng chǔ gē shēng四 方 楚 歌 声。Fr all around they sing our s
刘彻秋风辞 Song of the Autu Wind qiū fēng qǐ xī bái yún fēi 秋 风 起 兮 白 云 飞,The autu wind rises, oh! And white ù huáng luò xī
司马相如凤求凰 Songs of the Lute fèng xī fèng xī guī gù xiāng 凤 兮 凤 兮 归 故 乡,O Phoenix, O Phoenix! I e to heland. fèng xī fèng xī guī gù xiāng 遨 游
李延年北方有佳人 Song of the Northern Beauty běi fāng yǒu jiā rén 北 方 有 佳 人,There is a beauty in the northern lands; jué shì ér dú lì 绝 世 而 独 立。Unequa
班婕妤怨歌行 To an Autu Fan xīn liè qí hite, jiǎo jié rú shuāng xuě 皎 洁 如 霜 雪。You are as cl
苏武留别妻 Su Wu to His Wife (III) jié fā e ever unite; ēn ài liǎng bú yí恩 爱 两 不 疑。We never doubt about our love. huā
卓文君白头吟 Song of the White Hair ái rú shān shàng xuě 皑 如 山 上 雪,Our love like snow on untains proud jiǎo ruò yún jiān yuè 皎 若 云 间 月。Was brigh
曹操苦寒行·北上太行山 Song of the Cold Endured běi shàng tài háng shān北 上 太 行 山,Northēi wēi艰 哉 何 巍 巍!Ho
曹操蒿里行 Graveyard Song guān dōng yǒu yì shì关 东 有 义 士,East of the Pass there,re heroes brave and bright;xìng bīng tǎo qún xiōng兴 兵 讨 群 凶。They rose in
曹操步出夏门行 Inditable Soul shén guī suī shòu神 龟 虽 寿,Although long lives the tortoise wise, yóu yǒu jìng shí犹 有 竟 时。In the end, he cannot but die. téng
刘祯赠从弟Pine-to My Cousin tíng tíng shān shàng sōng 亭 亭 山 上 松,The pine on hill-top towers high; sè sè gǔ zhōng fēng 瑟 瑟 谷 中 风。The winds in the va
曹丕燕歌行·秋风萧瑟天气凉 Song of a Lonely Wife qiū fēng xiāo sè tiān qì liáng 秋 风 萧 瑟 天 气 凉,The s the autu breeze; cǎo
曹植七步诗 Written While Taking Seven Paces zhǔ dòu rán dòu qí煮 豆 燃 豆 萁,Pods burned to ok peas; dòu zài fǔ zhōng qì豆 在 釜 中 泣。Peas weep in the pot, běn
嵇康赠兄秀才入军 第九首 To My Brother Giving up the Pen for the Sword liáng jì xián良 马 既 闲,On steed you go, lì fú yǒu huī丽 服 有 晖。In dress so bright. z
阮籍咏怀八十二首·其一 Reflexions yè zhōng bú néng i夜 中 不 能 寐,I íng qín起 坐 弹 鸣 琴。I rise and set to pla