出自宋代诗人晏几道清平乐·留人不住 Tune: Pure, Serene Music liú rén bú zhù留人不住,I uld not persuade you to stay; zuì jiě lán zhōu qù醉解兰舟去。Drunk,
出自宋代诗人晏几道生查子·关山魂梦长 Tune: Mountain Hawthorn guān shān hún ng zhǎng关山魂梦长,Severed by a far-off untain pass, sāi yàn yīn shū shǎo塞雁音
出自宋代诗人晏几道蝶恋花·梦入江南烟水路 Tune: Butterflies over Flowers ng rù jiāng nán yān shuǐ lù 梦入江南烟水路,I dread of roving on the southern rive
出自宋代诗人晏几道蝶恋花·醉别西楼醒不记 Tune: Butterflies over Flowers zuì bié xī lóu xǐng bú jì醉别西楼醒不记。I dont reer drunk hour 中仄中平平仄
出自宋代诗人晏几道临江仙·梦后楼台高锁 Tune: Iortal at the River ng hòu lóu tái gāo suǒ梦后楼台高锁,Awake fr drea, I find the locked tower high; jiǔ xǐ
出自宋代诗人王安国清平乐·春晚 Tune: Pure, Serene Music liú chūn bú zhù 留春不住,Spring cannot be retained, fèi jìn yīng ér yǔ 费尽莺儿语。Though orioles hav
出自宋代诗人王安石桂枝香·登临送目 Tune: Fragranù登临送目,I cli a height zhèng gù guó wǎn qiū正故国晚秋,And strain
王安石南乡子·自古帝王州 Tune: A Southern Song zì gǔ dì wáng zhōu 自古帝王州,The capital was ruled by kings since days gone by. yù yù cōng cōng jiā qì fú&nb
出自宋代王安石浣溪沙·百亩中庭半是苔 Tune: Silk-Washing Strea bǎi zhōng tíng bàn shì tái百亩中庭半是苔,Half ss-hidden is urtyard a hundred acres wid
出自宋代诗人王安石菩萨蛮·海棠乱发皆临水 Tune: Buddhist Dancers hǎi táng luàn fā jiē lín shuǐ海棠乱发皆临水,By waterside the crabapple flowers run riot; jūn
出自宋代诗人欧阳修生查子·含羞整翠鬟 Tune: Mountain Hawthorn hán xiū zhěng cuì huán含羞整翠鬟,Shy, she arranges her hair adorned with jade, dé yì pín xiàng gù
出自宋代诗人欧阳修相思令·苹满溪 Tune: Everlasting Longing píng n xī苹满溪,A creek full of duckillow trees, xiàng
出自宋代诗人欧阳修浪淘沙·把酒祝东风 Tune: Ripples Sifting Sand bǎ jiǔ zhù dōng fēng把酒祝东风,Wine cup in hand, I drink to eastern breeze: 中仄仄平平,qiě
出自宋代诗人欧阳修蝶恋花·庭院深深深几许 Tune: Butterflies over Flowers tíng yuàn shēn shēn shēn jǐ xǔ庭院深深深几许?Deep, deep the urtyard where he is, s
出自宋代诗人冯延巳鹊踏枝·几日行云何处去 Tune: Butterflies over Flowers jǐ rì háng yún hé chù qù几日行云何处去?Where have you gone like cloud fr day
出自宋代诗人欧阳修诉衷情·眉意Tune: Telling of Innerst Feeling qīng chén lián juàn qīng shuāng清晨帘幕卷轻霜,At da screen hē shǒu shì
出自宋代诗人欧阳修青玉案·一年春事都来几 Tune: Green Jade Cup yī nián any happy things in the spring of a year? 中平中
出自宋代诗人欧阳修踏莎行·候馆梅残 Tune: Treading on Grass hòu guǎn i cán候馆梅残,Mu flowers fade before the inn, xī qiáo liǔ xì溪桥柳细。By riverside sw
出自宋代诗人欧阳修生查子·元夕 Tune: Mountain Hawthorn qù nián yuán yè shí去年元夜时,Last Festival of Vernal Moon, huā shì dēng rú zhòu花市灯如昼,The blo
出自宋代诗人欧阳修采桑子·群芳过后西湖好 Tune: Song of Picking Mulberries qún fāng guò hòu xī hú hǎo群芳过后西湖好,All flowers passed away, West Lake is quie
出自宋代诗人欧阳修采桑子·轻舟短棹西湖好 Tune: Song of Picking Mulberries qīng zhōu duǎn zhào xī hú hǎo轻舟短棹西湖好,Viewed fr a light boat with short oa
出自宋代诗人司马光西江月·宝髻松松挽就 Tune: The Moon over the West River bǎo jì sōng sōng wǎn jiù宝髻松松挽就,Loosely she has done up her hair; qiān huá
出自宋代诗人宋祁锦缠道·春游 Tune: The Way of Brocade yàn zǐ ne nán燕子呢喃,The sittering jǐng sè zhà zhǎng chūn zhòu景色乍长春昼。Announce s
出自宋代诗人宋祁玉楼春·春景 Tune: Spring in Jade Pavilion dōng chéng jiàn jiào fēng guāng hǎo东城渐觉风光好,The scenery is getting fine east of the town; hú zhò
出自宋代诗人晏殊浣溪沙·小阁重帘有燕过Tune: Silk-Washing Strea xiǎo gé zhòng lián yǒu yàn guò 小阁重帘有燕过,By double-curtained bos p
出自宋代诗人晏殊玉楼春·春恨 Tune: Spring in Jade Pavilion Spring Grief lǜ yáng fāng cǎo zhǎng tíng lù绿杨芳草长亭路,Fareillow