出自宋代诗人晏殊浣溪沙·一向年光有限身 Tune: Silk-Washing Strea yī xiàng nián guāng yǒu xiàn shēn一向年光有限身,What an do with the fleet
出自宋代诗人晏殊浣溪沙·一曲新词酒一杯 Tune: Silk-Washing Strea yī qǔ xīn cí jiǔ yī bēi一曲新词酒一杯,I pose a new song and drink a cup of wine qù nián
出自宋代诗人晏殊蝶恋花·六曲阑干偎碧树 Tune: Butterflies over Floinding balustrade caressed by willow trees
出自宋代诗人晏殊清平乐·红笺小字 Tune: Pure, Serene Music hóng jiān xiǎo zì红笺小字,On rosy paper a hand fair shuō jìn píng shēng yì说尽平生意。Has laid th
出自宋代诗人晏殊清平乐·金风细细 Tune: Pure, Serene Music jīn fēng xì xì金风细细,Gently, gently blows golden breeze; yè yè wú tóng z
出自宋代诗人晏殊踏莎行 Tune: Treading on Grass zǔ xí lí gē祖席离歌,The farewell song is sung for you; zhǎng tíng bié yàn长亭别宴,We drink our cups and bid adieu,
出自宋代诗人晏殊踏莎行·细草愁烟 Tune: Treading on Grass xì ist-veiled grass looks sad in hue; yōu huā qiè lù幽花怯露,Sweet flowers
出自宋代晏殊踏莎行·小径红稀 Tune: Treading on Grass xiǎo jìng hóng xī小径红稀,Along the path red blosss fade, fāng jiāo lǜ biàn芳郊
出自宋代诗人晏殊踏莎行·碧海无波 Tune: Treading on Grassa bì hǎi wú bō碧海无波,The celestial blue sea is caland free; yáo tái yǒu lù瑶台有路,To Heavenly Ab
出自宋代诗人张先天仙子·水调数声持酒听 Tune: Song of the Iortal shuǐ diào shù shēng chí jiǔ tīng水调数声持酒听,Wine cup in hand, I listen to "Water Melody,
出自宋代诗人张先菩萨蛮·忆郎还上层楼曲 Tune: Buddhist Dancers yì láng hái shàng céng lóu qǔ忆郎还上层楼曲,Missing lord, I lean on railings of the tower; ló
出自宋代诗人张先诉衷情·花前月下暂相逢 Tune: Telling of Innerst Feeling huā qián yuè xià zàn xiàng féng花前月下暂相逢。Before
出自宋代诗人张先千秋岁·数声鶗鴂 Tune: A Thousand Autus shù shēng tí guī 数声鶗鴂,The cuckoo showers yòu bào fāng fēi xiē 又
出自宋代诗人苏轼沁园春·孤馆灯青 Tune: Spring in a Pleasure Garden a gū guǎn dēng qīng孤馆灯青,The la bu with green flas in an inns lonely hall; yě diàn jī hà
出自宋代诗人苏轼南乡子·送述古 Tune: A Southern Song a huí shǒu luàn shān héng回首乱山横,Turning head, I find rugged untains bar t
出自宋代诗人苏轼少年游·润州作代人寄远 Tune: Wandering of a Youth qù nián xiàng sòng 去年相送,Last year we bade adieu yú háng n wài 余杭门外,Outside th
出自宋代诗人苏轼昭君怨·送别Tune: Lant of a Fair Ladya shuí zuò huán yī sān nòng谁作桓伊三弄,Whos playing on the flute a gloy tune, jīng pò lǜ chuāng yōu
出自宋代诗人苏轼江城子·凤凰山下雨初晴 Tune: A Riverside Town on Lake fèng huáng shān xià yǔ chū qíng 凤凰山下雨初晴,It turns
出自宋代诗人苏轼浣溪沙·山色横侵蘸晕霞 Tune: Silk-Washing Strea shān sè héng qīn zhàn yūn xiá山色横侵蘸晕霞,The sky is barred
出自宋代诗人苏轼点绛唇·醉漾轻舟 Tune: Rouged Lips zuì yàng qīng zhōu醉漾轻舟,Drunk, I let light boat xìn liú yǐn dào huā shēn
出自宋代诗人苏轼减字木兰花·琴 Tune: Shortened Forof Lily Magnolia Flowers The Lute shén xián yì dìng神闲意定,Leisurely and tranquil,
出自宋代诗人苏轼西江月·梅花 Tune: The Moon over the West River To the fairy of Mu Flower yù gǔ nà chóu zhàng wù玉骨那愁瘴雾?Your bo
出自宋代诗人苏轼如梦令·题淮山楼Tune: Like a DreaOn the Riverside Tower chéng shàng céng lóu dié yǎn城上层楼叠巘,On city wall I see peak on peak appear; chéng
出自宋代诗人苏轼生查子·诉别 Tune: Mountain Hawthorn On Parting sān dù bié jun1 lái三度别君来,Thrice I have bidden you goodbye; cǐ bié
出自宋代诗人苏轼贺新郎·夏景 Tune: Congratulations to the Bridegro rǔ yàn fēi huá s fly along the pain
出自宋代诗人苏轼水龙吟·次韵章质夫杨花词 Tune: Water Dragon Chant sì huā hái sì fēi huā似花还似非花,They seeto be but a