元代诗人戴表元感旧歌者 A Songster on West Lake dān hóng zǐ yàn bellish spring; tán bǎn zhū sī jǐn sè jiān檀
出自元代刘因观梅有感 On Seeing the Mu Flos up war dust and sand re and re; ng xiǎng xī
出自赵孟頫岳鄂王墓 The Tb of General Yue Fei è wáng fén shàng cǎo lí lí鄂王坟上草离离,The tb of General Yue with grass is desolate; qiū rì huāng liáng shí shò
出自元代张雨湖州竹枝词 Baoo Branén wài shì nóng jiā临湖门外是侬家,Before the lakes the little ttage where I stay. láng ruò xián shí lái chī
出自王冕应教题梅 On Mu Blosss cì cì běi fēng chuī dǎo rén刺刺北风吹倒人,When the violent northern ould fall; qián kūn wú chù bú shā chén乾坤
出自明-张以宁严陵钓台 The Fishing Site of Yan Guang gù rén yǐ ounted the throne; jūn dú yá
出自明代诗人宋濂越歌 A Southern Song liàn láng tián láng fēi yī y lover day and night; hǎo sì bìng zhōu huā jiǎn dāo好
出自明代诗人于谦石灰吟 Song of the Li qiān ountains after haer blows; liè huǒ fén shāo ruò dě
出自徐祯卿偶见·深山曲路见 A Roadside View shēn shān qǔ lù jiàn táo huā深 山 曲 路 见 桃 花,On winding hillside road peaǎ shàng cōng
出自吴承恩对月感秋 The Autu Moon rén yún tiān shàng yuè人 云 天 上 月,Tis said a fair lady on high zhōng yǒu cháng é jū中 有 嫦 娥 居。Resides in the on up
出自柳如是西湖 West Lake chuí yáng xiǎo yuàn xiù lián dōng垂 杨 小 院 绣 帘 东,The s stand east of the curtained bowers; yīng gé cán zhī wèi sī féng莺
出自李渔哭亡姬乔氏 Heart-Broken Song gè shì fēn fēn yī bǐ xiāo各 事 纷 纷 一 笔 销,The bygones one and all like drea have passed away; ān xīn péng hù bàn yú qiá
出自方以智独往 Going Alone tóng bàn dōu fèn shǒu同 伴 都 分 手,Dispersed are panions dear; xié dú rù lín麻 鞋 独 入 林。I go to the woods for part. yī
出自顾炎武塞下曲 A Frontier Song zhào xìn elts into dust quiet; gē gàn shān xià què hū chū
顾媚自题桃花杨柳图 On a Piiàn郎 道 花 红 如 妾 面,My lover says like peay face is fair;
出自王夫之悼亡四首其一 Elegy on My Deceased Wife shí nián qián cǐ xiǎo shuāng tiān十 年 前 此 晓 霜 天,Can I fet ten years ago this frosty day; jīng pò chén zhō
出自叶燮客发笤溪 On My Native Strea kè xīn rú shuǐ shuǐ rú chóu客 心 如 水 水 如 愁,My heart runs faster than the waves like grief wide-spread, róng yì guī zhōu chè
出自赵执信秋暮吟望 Late Autu xiǎo gé gāo qī lǎo yī zhī小 阁 高 栖 老 一 枝,I perch in little bower like an oldened tree; xián yín le bú wéi qiū bēi闲 吟 了 不